Muskan Sharma

SGA and mySkills

This page provides an overview of SGA and mySkills


What is SGA?

The Sheffield Graduate Attributes framework acts as a means to help students at the University of Sheffield to enhance their acadmemic success, personal development and employability. The first step to make use of SGA is by completing a questionnaire whose details may be accessed by following the link.

The SGA are grouped into 3 sections:

  • My Learning
  • My Impact
  • My Self

My Learning

This section builds upon the skills needed to facilitate learning effectively, as well as enhancing your ability to apply this knowledge.
Examples of useful skills include the competence to use concise language in academic writing; proficiency with numerical data ,including analysing and presenting it; as well as study skills, involving using and and seeking new knowledge to advance intellect. Time management is also a valued aspect.
An example of these skills being used in a module would be in Machines and AI where we learn about the history of AI while also applying knowledge to program miroRobots.

My Impact

This section focuses on the impact that you , as an individual, have on society,the environment and ethical considerations. You should aim to have as much positive impact on a person or community as possible ,including anyone from any differing background.
Interpersonal skills such as collaboration, networking and emotional intelligence are vital for anyone who wants to succeed with a goal. Collaboration not only includes communicating in person, but also through writing and online for a diverse range in audiences. Emotional intelligence involves recognising and empathising with others and our own emotions to help navigate through problems.
An example of these skills being used in a module would be in group led projects in Software Engineering,where interpersonal skills are essential.

My Self

This section involves influencing change within yourself,as an individual. Positive wellbeing is important to everyone since it improves your quality of life and paves the way to bringing about positive change externally too. Self-care in this instance is crucial to bringing about positive wellbeing and autonomy within your own life. This doesn't happen automatically but as a result of self awareness which is a skill in itself.

More information on the SGA framework may be found here.

My Experience with SGA

I shall now provide examples of how I have implemented the framework within my own life:

  1. I have used interpersonal skills like collaboration to work within teams to deliver a project for a client in the Intro to software engineering module.
  2. Recognising the importance of the growth mindset has meant that I can work to meet deadlines despite having setbacks which have hindered progress.
  3. Determination has lead me to meet project deadlines for example within machines and intelligence-where I was tasked to program a section of the miroBot treasure finder.